Wednesday, October 26, 2005


T+14 – 23 Monday – Next Wednesday

As you can probably tell, the pace of things has picked up. My project is a product evaluation so I am coordinating getting version from all the vendors, demos, test licenses etc. In addition, I have been developing criteria and a standard set of ratings so I can compare the products equally. Also, the evaluation criteria, processes and results will be saved so future versions of this and/or other products can be compared using the same methodology. Doing something in a repeatable fashion and documenting it for whoever happens to come along behind. What a novel idea.

I have also been practicing my project spiel for eventually delivery to our alliance partners and senior management. We all had our first go round yesterday so the first hurdle is over. Monday I have a brown-bag seminar with my wingman. So far we have about 160 potential attendees. Common wisdom is a 30-50% actual turnout so that should be interesting.

The gang has also been diligent about keeping the local restaurants happy. You gotta love a place named The Eating Factory. Don't you? And the Crab Pot really serves it just like the picture.

My birthday also came and went since my last post. This year's present to myself was tickets to the Cowboys game (though for some reason the locals thought it was a Seahawks game). All I can say is:
row II is very high
the boys need to go ahead and play the whole 60 minutes instead of 55 or 58 like they have a couple of times this year
Seahawks funs are pretty rude

I'm going home this weekend on the redeye. I'll be working though, so it's not all fun and games. I'll try to post again on Sunday. And for the 3 amigos: I'll be there on 23rd so save me a seat. For you potential gunnies, note the time into the program when the load starts to build.

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