Monday, August 07, 2006


Blue angels we have heard on high

Quite a week at work here last week. The navy blue angels were here for seafair. With all the practice runs, I think productivity in the area was probably low. I know I spent my fair share of time gawking out my 17th floor window and admiring my tax dollars at work.

It looks like we may also finally get our house sold. We have a contract and are scheduled for closing on Aug 18, 2006. Cross your fingers and toes that it all goes well. I also checked in with my old group back in MD. It looks like they're about to disband and go their separate ways. And I wonder how John and family are doing on the Peru trip? I hope Montezuma didn't move in too soon.

Not much else here happening. But I've moved my blog to a more visible space. So this is probably going to be my last post here. I'll keep it cuz there's some good info here I may need again in the next few months. Check out my space over at

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