Wednesday, October 12, 2005


T+10 October 12 Wednesday

We began today with a field trip to one of the many Microsoft buildings in Redmond for a tour of the office of the future. Lots of whiz-bang ideas that are at least 3-5 years out. But it helps us get our mindset around thinking for the future on this project. After that, I met with my wingman. He happens to be in Vancouver so it's possible we may have a chance to meet some time during the project. More research, prep and writing today to produce the documentation required by the project.

The US guys are looking forward to going home in a day or two. The Aussies are looking forward to having the vans and driving on the wrong side of the road for a weekend. Here's a brief overview of my classmates:

Mark "Pillsbury" Pope from Plano, sales support. Ace navigator, chief cook and bottle washer.
Jose "Winky" Manuel De Sales Zunino from ABN Amro UK. An only child so he has enough names for 2-3 siblings. Currently residing in London with his wife. Apparently he's been to all 50 states and most countries on the globe.
John "Irvine" Mervine: another Plano guy. Already in class for a week.
Normal "Bruce" Lee from Australia. Still confusing football with futbol.
Steve "muscatel" Mushkat from Troy. Really. Our own personal Gizmo guy with a 300Gb external drive.
Paul "McCartney" Simm from Miramar, home of a slightly better known Top Gun program.
Matthew Carr "Dundee", another down under guy. His time zone is so far ahead, they're already on the Q106 program. As he's counting down the days to the program, he's also counting down days as a single man. He's going to be married early next year.
And, of course me, 7x, the secret ingredient.

Tomorrow I hope to get out of typing mode and into full program mode. With today's announcement that Yahoo and MS are going to put down the gloves and share IM, it looks like I may have to join the revolution. Been holding out cuz I have a pretty good system for archiving and searching all my email. Ho hum.

Coach Napalm also turned me on to OneNote. It's like an electronic rolodex. No need to remember to hit the save button since it's saved all the time. I'm gonna try it but after a day, I already like it a lot. Still having trouble with the wireless connection and Virtual PC.

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