Friday, June 30, 2006


Fixing up users and logins after restoring a SQL Server 2000 SS2K database data base

A slight flaw in SQL Server 2000 data base restore is in the handling of logins and users in the restored data base. If you backup a data base and restore it on a different machine or to a different name, the users and persmissions are not quite what you could hope for. So what's a poor schmuck to do?

sp_change_users_login @Action = 'Update_one', @UserNamePattern = 'user Id here', @LoginName = 'User ID here'

or something similar.

SS2k5 seems to have corrected this little flaw.

This scenario comes up in developer environments when data bases are copied frequently.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


You can take it with you

Contains some interesting code so you can be notified when your NIC is online or enabled.
NIC disabled NIC Enabled Wireless Connection, etc.

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